Fem snabba frågor till Jes Trygved VD på Cessatech
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Fem snabba frågor till Jes Trygved VD på Cessatech

Fem snabba Här ställer vi fem snabba frågor till intressanta bolag. Alla får samma frågor som belyser det aktuella läget i företaget. Syftet är att ge en ögonblicksbild för att Börsvärldens läsare ska kunna bilda sig en uppfattning om vad som händer just nu.

1. Var befinner ni er just nu och hur ser närmsta åren ut?

We have actually just started our activities, and 2021 will be a very busy year – the year that will make a big difference for our future. We will initiate 3 clinical studies, and if we are successful, it will place our company in different league. Hopefully the next years, will bring more products to the company and our team will grow…. 

2. Hur ser er vision ut?

We have a purpose that says ”rethinking child treatments", it is the foundation of our company and the starting point for our journey, it is about innovation and finding new ways of helping doctors and nurses that are treating children – but it is not exactly the same as a vision. The purpose is the ‘why’ of our company, we are a development company – and if we later will pursue commercialization it makes sense to have a clear vision. 

3. Vilka är era största utmaningar?

As any company, we have challenges, and when working with innovation there has to be challenges - otherwise it is not a real innovation. We need an end product (nasal spray) that is perfect for its environment, and that will take some efforts – but we also need to perform the last clinical trials at a good standard. With COVID19 and paediatric standards, we need to make sure that what we plan for with the clinical trials, is perfect.

4. Vad har, i närtid, påverkat/påverkar bolagets position mest?

We have started our core activities during COVID19, we are very close to the hospitals and the challenging environments. There is a lot of focus on healthcare and the need for optimal solutions – this will clearly benefit the future of Cessatech.  

5. Vad kan en aktieägare förvänta sig av er som bolag?

The team works really hard to make Cessatech a success – but there is also a big heart within the team. When you develop solutions for children it impacts your motivation and attitude. 2021 will be a very busy year for the company, and each month will grow the company. 

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